Genially Alternatives: 9 Tools for Creating Interactive Images

Genially is a renowned name in the realm of interactive content creation. Known for its user-friendly interface and diverse range of templates, Genially has carved out a significant place in the market. Yet, as with any tool, it may not cater to every individual’s unique needs and preferences. Hence, the search for Genially alternatives that may offer different features or functionalities.

One such alternative worthy of exploration is SlicPix. This innovative platform offers a rich suite of features designed to enhance your ability to create engaging, interactive images. SlicPix stands as a testament to progress in the MarTech field, with its accessible pricing model and significant market potential – especially for WordPress users.

As we delve into the world of interactive image tools, it’s crucial to keep an eye on certain key features that mark a good tool:

  1. Ease of use
  2. Diversity in design options
  3. Functionality
  4. Flexibility
  5. Affordability

In this journey of discovery, we’ll unearth how SlicPix can be a promising alternative to Genially and how it empowers you to curate truly engaging visual experiences.

1. SlicPix

SlicPix is the best alternative to Genially, offering a fresh approach to captivating and engaging audiences with interactive content. It stands out from other interactive image tools with its powerful features, easy-to-use design interface, and tailored solutions.

Why Choose SlicPix Over Other Options?

Here are some key advantages that make SlicPix the top choice for creating interactive images:

  1. Customizable Interactive Elements: Go beyond basic interactivity by adding videos, maps, and other rich media directly into your images. This allows you to create a more immersive user experience.
  2. Easy Integration: Implementing SlicPix on your website is simple, especially with its dedicated WordPress plugin. This makes it a convenient choice for webmasters and bloggers.
  3. Design Freedom: With a wide range of templates and customizable options, you have the freedom to design interactive images that match your brand’s style perfectly.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be intuitive, ensuring that even those with limited technical skills can create interactive content without any hassle.
  5. Increased Engagement: By leveraging SlicPix’s capabilities, users have reported higher engagement rates and longer time spent on their websites.

Real-World Examples of SlicPix in Action

Wondering how SlicPix can benefit your specific industry or use case? Here are a few examples:

  • E-commerce: Many online stores have used SlicPix to create interactive product catalogs. Customers can explore different products in detail without being redirected to another page. This not only reduces bounce rates but also makes the path to purchase smoother.
  • Education: Teachers and educators have found value in using SlicPix to transform static images into immersive learning experiences. This has resulted in improved student engagement and better retention of knowledge.
  • Travel: Travel websites can use SlicPix to showcase destinations through interactive images. Users can zoom in on maps, view hotel rooms in 360 degrees, and more, all within the image itself.

To see how you can build an engaging website with SlicPix’s dynamic tools, check out this comprehensive guide on how to build an interactive website with SlicPix that walks you through each step of creating interactive storytelling.

With its unique features and proven effectiveness, it’s clear why SlicPix should be your go-to choice when looking for alternatives to Genially. Give it a try and take your visual content to the next level!

Comparative Analysis: Key Features and Use Cases

When looking for alternatives to Genially, it’s important to compare the unique strengths and capabilities of each platform. By doing so, you can find the one that best meets your specific needs. Here’s a breakdown of key features and use cases for two popular Genially alternatives:

1. SlicPix

SlicPix stands out with its patented interactive imagery, enabling users to create captivating visual experiences with ease. The platform’s WordPress plugin simplifies integration into existing websites, offering an omnichannel solution that aligns with today’s diverse digital landscapes.

Some notable features of SlicPix include:

  • Interactive maps campaign: Provides a dynamic way to present geographic information, enhancing storytelling for educational and commercial purposes.
  • Customizable collaboration hub: Empowers teams to create and manage digital experiences collectively, ensuring consistency across all channels.
  • Accessibility: With an accessible pricing model, SlicPix makes advanced interactive tools within reach for various customer segments.
Tool Key Features Use Cases
SlicPix Customizable interactive elements, easy integration (especially with WordPress), design freedom, intuitive interface, increased user engagement. E-commerce (interactive product catalogs), Education (interactive learning experiences), Travel (interactive destination showcases)
Genially User-friendly interface, versatile templates for different content types. Creating interactive presentations and infographics.
ThingLink Variety of media types supported, ease of use. Used for educational purposes and content marketing through clickable images, videos, and 360-degree virtual tours.
Shorthand Storytelling focus, no coding required. Creating long-form, immersive articles with elements such as parallax scrolling and full-screen video.
Interactive-Img Customizable hotspot icons, embeddable interactive images. Making static images interactive with hotspots. E-commerce integration, comprehensive analytics. Making any image or video interactive and shoppable; understanding audience behavior through data on user interactions. Variety of interactive content types, white-labeling. Creating quizzes, calculators, assessments, contests etc; branding interactive content with own logos and colors.
Interacty Flexible design options, analytics features. Creating interactive quizzes, surveys, tests; tracking user interaction and gathering valuable data. Drag-and-drop builder feature for ease of use; integration capabilities with other platforms for seamless data transfer. Creating quizzes, forms, surveys and assessments.

2. Genially

On the other hand, Genially has established itself as a versatile tool for creating interactive presentations, infographics, and other visual content. Its main selling points include:

  • User-friendly interface: Designed for ease of use, appealing to users who may not have advanced technical skills.
  • Versatile templates: A broad array of starter templates accelerates the creation process across different content types.

ThingLink is an interactive media platform that enables the creation of clickable images, videos and 360-degree virtual tours. This platform is often used for educational purposes as well as for content marketing.

Notable features of ThingLink include:

Variety of media types: From images to videos and even VR experiences, ThingLink supports a wide range of media.

Ease of use: With intuitive tools, creating interactive media using ThingLink is straightforward and simple.

4. Shorthand

Shorthand is a tool used primarily for creating long-form, immersive articles. It allows you to add immersive elements such as parallax scrolling and full-screen video.

Key features of Shorthand include:

Storytelling focus: Built to support narrative-driven content, enabling stories that captivate audiences.

No coding required: Users can construct intricate designs without needing advanced technical skills.

5. Interactive-Img

Interactive-Img is a tool dedicated to making static images interactive with hotspots.

Some notable features of Interactive-Img include:

Customizable hotspot icons: You can change the appearance and behavior of your hotspots.

Embeddable: Created interactive images can be easily embedded into websites or shared on social media.

6. provides a tool that allows users to make any image or video interactive and shoppable.

Key features of include:

E-commerce integration: integrates with most e-commerce platforms, making it easy to turn images or videos into shoppable content.

Comprehensive analytics: The tool offers data on user interactions, helping businesses understand their audience’s behavior better.

7. is an interactive content platform designed for marketers and agencies. It provides tools for creating quizzes, calculators, assessments, contests, and more.

Notable features of include:

Variety of interactive content types: Allows the creation of a broad range of interactive content.

White-labeling: Businesses can brand their interactive content with their own logos and colors.

8. Interacty

Interacty is a platform that allows creating interactive quizzes, surveys, and tests. It also enables the creation of courses and presentations.

Key features of Interacty include:

Flexible design: Interacty offers highly customizable options for your quizzes or surveys.

Analytics: Detailed analytics help track user interaction and gather valuable data.

9. is a tool for creating interactive content like quizzes, forms, surveys, and assessments.

Notable features of include:

Drag-and-drop builder: This makes it easy for anyone to create interactive content.

Integration: integrates with various platforms, allowing for seamless data transfer.

Choosing the Right Platform for Your Needs

When comparing platforms, you should keep your specific requirements in mind. Here are some things to consider:

  • If you prioritize ease of integration with WordPress and advanced interactive capabilities, SlicPix might be the right choice.
  • Alternatively, if you need a broad variety of ready-made templates for rapid content creation without much customization, Genially could better suit your needs.

The Importance of Testing

Testing each platform is key to making an informed decision. Look for free trials or demos as they provide a hands-on opportunity to assess how well a tool aligns with your objectives. It’s during these trial periods that the true potential of each platform becomes evident – from user experience to the impact on engagement metrics such as dwell time and conversion rates.

By doing so, you ensure the chosen tool not only meets but enhances your strategic goals in creating standout interactive images.

Key Criteria for Selecting the Right Tool

When it comes to selecting the right tool among Genially alternatives, there are several key criteria you must consider.


The first consideration is pricing. The cost of the platform should be affordable and offer a good return on investment. Tools like SlicPix have adopted an accessible pricing model which caters to different budget ranges. This is essential as you want to ensure that the tool you choose provides value for money.

Ease of Use

Next, ease of use is crucial. You don’t want to spend hours trying to figure out how to use a tool when you could be creating interactive images. SlicPix stands out here with its intuitive interface and user-friendly design.

Design Flexibility

Design flexibility is another important factor. A good interactive image tool should allow you to customize your designs according to your brand identity and specific needs. SlicPix gives users significant control over their designs, allowing for customization that aligns with your brand’s visual aesthetics.


Lastly, consider the integrations offered by the platform. The ability to connect your tool with other applications can significantly streamline your workflow. For instance, SlicPix offers a WordPress plugin that seamlessly integrates with your website, enhancing consumer experience.

Keep in mind that these factors can vary based on individual needs and goals. Therefore, it’s essential to assess these criteria in relation to what you aim to achieve with your interactive images. By doing so, you ensure that the tool you choose will serve your specific requirements effectively.

With this knowledge at your fingertips, you’re better equipped to make an informed choice when exploring Genially alternatives.


Exploring Genially alternatives opens up a world of possibilities for those looking to enhance their digital content with interactive images. SlicPix emerges as a standout option in this space, offering a robust suite of features that cater to the creation of immersive and engaging visual stories. The capabilities of SlicPix extend beyond what you may find in other platforms, setting a new standard for audience interaction on websites and various digital channels.

Why Choose SlicPix?

  • User-friendly interface
  • Powerful design options
  • Invaluable tool for interactive storytelling

By leveraging the strengths of SlicPix, you can transform your digital presence and create experiences that resonate with viewers and drive conversions.

Boost Your Landing Page Performance with Interactive Images

For insights on how to effectively use interactive images to boost your landing page performance, consider visiting the SlicPix Blog. Their blog post “Maximize Conversions: Interactive Images on Landing Pages” is your ultimate guide to maximizing conversions using interactive images and SlicPix’s interactive storytelling tools. This resource is tailored to help you leverage the full potential of interactive content in achieving your marketing goals.

Take the step toward more dynamic and personalized user interactions today by checking out SlicPix, a superior choice among Genially alternatives. Discover how this innovative tool can elevate your digital storytelling and lead you toward greater engagement and success online.

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